Scavengers and Special Products
Select from our offering of industry standard intermediate triazines’ as well as new and innovative alternatives for removal of hydrogen sulfide from producing oil and gas systems. In addition we offer solutions of oxygen scavenging, iron sulfide chelation, defoaming agents, shale stabilizers, as well as halite and gas hydrate inhibitors.
Intermediate Classifications:
Sulfide and Oxygen Scavenging
- MEA Triazine
- Amine Condensates
- Nickel Catalyzed Ammonium Bisulfite
FeS Chelation
Defoaming Agents
- Silicones
- Proprietary Alcohols
Shale Stabilizers
- Potassium Chloride Substitutes
- Proprietary Amines
Halite Inhibitors
- Polyalkyl Amines
Low Dose Hydrate Inhibitors
- Kinetic
- Ice Lattice